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Can Dogs Eat Raw Meat?

Posted by Jessica Niven on

Can Dogs Eat Raw Meat?

Can Dogs Eat Raw Meat? With many online resources about canine health and nutrition, many pet owners wonder, "Can dogs eat raw meat?" With the rising popularity of raw diets for humans, it's only natural that some pet owners wonder if dogs should also have raw diets. Before answering can dogs eat raw meat, it's essential to explore the potential benefits and risks before making dietary changes for your furry friend. Raw feeding is often seen as a way to mimic a dog's natural ancestral diet and has its advocates and detractors, but is raw meat good for dogs? Today,...

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How to Groom Your Dog at Home

Posted by Jessica Niven on

How to Groom Your Dog at Home
Grooming your doggo is an essential part of pet ownership. Did you know that most professional dog groomers will charge around $40 to $100 on average for each visit? While it may sometimes be necessary to take your dog to a professional groomer, many fluff parents choose to bathe and groom their dog at home to save on this expense.
Regular grooming helps to keep your furry friend looking their best, but it also promotes their overall health and well-being. This can be a bonding experience for both you and your floofy four-legged family member when done correctly. Here are some dog grooming tips at home that you can use today!

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How To Comfort A Dog In Heat

Posted by Caroline Silva on

How To Comfort A Dog In Heat

How To Comfort A Dog In Heat We’re going to skip the birds and the bees talk and assume you already know a little bit about dogs in heat. Your good girl has grown to maturity and is now undergoing bodily changes like most other mammals. Like in humans, dog heat cycles can be uncomfortable and distressing for your furry family member, and it's important to learn about what to do when a dog is in heat. In this article, we'll identify tips and tricks on how to comfort a dog in heat, what to do when a dog is...

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Get Rid of Stinky Dog Breath With These Remedies

Posted by Caroline Silva on

Get Rid of Stinky Dog Breath With These Remedies

There are some things that come with dog ownership that are just inherent guarantees. For example, there will most likely be fur and dog hair in places where you didn’t think it was possible. Another example is that you’ll probably never eat alone again since your good boy or good girl will be politely sitting at your feet, waiting and hoping for a piece of whatever it is you’re eating. Lastly, you’re probably going to get slobbered on during playtime or after you have a snack. In the latter scenario, you might notice something a little gross - stinky dog...

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How to Help a Teething Puppy

Posted by Caroline Silva on

How to Help a Teething Puppy

Did you know that puppies and humans alike go through teething pains in their early lives? Whether you’re a new puppy parent or a master hound handler, there are different ways to manage a young teething puppy. Take a look at our tips and tricks guide on how to help a teething puppy and save your furry friend some pain and aches during a difficult growing process. This guide will cover home remedies for teething puppies, puppy teething pain relief tips and tricks, and more! How to Help a Teething Puppy, First: Identify the Issue The first step in helping...

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